Ammonia pilot study

Mapping of barriers in the HØST PtX project

Corridor route: Esbjerg – Immingham
Fuel in focus: Ammonia
Pilot owner: Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP)
Pilot partners: Port of Esbjerg, HØST, DFDS, Unifeeder, Monjasa
Pilot facilitator: Litehauz


  • Project Design​: Rooted in the HØST PtX project in Esbjerg. Exploring participants’ perspectives on barriers/solutions.
  • Participants​: Selected based on their role in the HØST’s supply chain of green ammonia ​
  • Data Collection​: Through semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and volunteered material from contributors

Status as of June 2024:

  • Key stakeholders and high-level barriers have been mapped
  • Refining of barrier assessment with the stakeholders is ongoing
  • A joint meeting with all the pilot participants is planned for after the summer holidays
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