From policy ambitions to realization

Lead author:
Dorthe Alida Slotvik
Environmental Consultant,
DNV Maritime Advisory
The Nordic collaboration platform is created to reduce key barriers to implementation, and establish a common roadmap for the whole Nordic region and logistics ecosystem towards zero-emission shipping. To achieve this goal the Nordic Roadmap will need to point towards concrete actions and establish green shipping corridors as pilot studies. To better understand the role of a Green Shipping Corridor in a transition phase our Nordic Roadmap Project Manager Øyvind Endresen put together a DNV team with lead author Dorthe Alida Slotvik to develop a new insight paper. To read the insight paper in its entirety, scroll down and download your copy below.
Regions as first movers

Green shipping corridors will be key enablers to to overcome barriers and accelerate the uptake of zero-carbon fuels and focusing on the Nordic region enables addressing these barriers on a more manageable scale. Once enough Green Shipping Corridors are being realized, other users trading between the same ports will be able to benefit from the first adopters.
Scaling via diffusion will start with initial routes or ports by building on the national interests of one country, expanding into developments in wider region, followed by other regions, before finally scaling to a global arena with intercontinental routes.
New partnerships needed
New partnerships must be enabled in order to spread the risk and to enable availability for the needed fuels for any Green Shipping Corridor.
Stakeholders in a green shipping corridor ecosystem need a business case – a “reason” to participate.
A key success factor is that the different actors actually dare to commit to immature and expensive zero-carbon fuels, with uncertain future availability. Stakeholders in a green shipping corridor ecosystem need a business case – a “reason” to participate. Hence, understanding the business case for each actor, and establishing a good cross-sectoral team built on trust, is paramount for realization.
Barriers to overcome
The stakeholders required for successfully establishing green shipping corridors include ports and fuel suppliers, ship owners, cargo owners, national governments, financial institutions and industry associations. Stakeholder perspectives will differ, if any one stakeholder barrier remains unsolved the Green Shipping Corridor will not be realized.
Two key barriers for realization of green shipping corridors are the fuel cost gap and the need for coordinated action among stakeholders.
The full insight paper can be downloaded here.

About the Nordic Roadmap
The Nordic Roadmap project for the introduction of sustainable zero-carbon fuels is a private public collaboration between the Nordic countries through the Nordic Council of Ministers and the maritime industry cluster in the region. Initial funding is granted by the Nordic Council of Ministers for a 4-year durations, with work packages including developing the knowledgebase for future fuel and regulatory development, understanding the life cycle GHG-impact of future fuels and finally to provide a Roadmap for policy makers and industry alike.
To enable collaborations the project will host yearly conferences for information sharing. The Nordic Roadmap will specifically call for pilot projects to enable Green Shipping Corridors between Nordic countries.
How can you impact the Nordic Roadmap?
- Identify and participate in Nordic pilot studies, focusing on green shipping corridors
- Develop synergies with green initiatives, relevant for the Nordic region
- Supporting the development and the outcome of the Nordic Roadmap
Media contact Nordic Roadmap
Eirill Bachmann Mehammer, Task leader – Collaborations
DNV Maritime Advisory
Tel.: +47 40551236