Intra-nordic green shipping corridor candidates


The aim of this pre-piloting project was to identify specific intra-Nordic shipping routes which have the potential of realizing a green shipping corridor by 2025, or towards 2030 as a follow-up to the Clydebank Declaration launched at COP26.


A three-step approach was applied to identify specific intra-Nordic shipping routes with the potential of being a “first-mover” green shipping corridor. In the first step, 81 intra-Nordic ship traffic routes were identified (longlist). The second step used this longlist and industry dialogues to select six potential intra-Nordic green shipping corridors which potentially could be realized in 2025, or towards 2030. A series of workshops were carried out as a third step for the screening of the key barriers for three of the six shortlisted candidates.


The project is mentioned in the media by the newspaper E24: Link here (only in norwegian).

Key facts

Task leader: DNV (Nathaniel Frithiof)

Start date: 2022 Q2

End date: 2023 Q3

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