Status update – December 2023

2023 has been a successful year for the Nordic roadmap project, which is a collaboration that brings together key stakeholders from across the maritime value chain in the Nordic region.

A first version of the Nordic fuel transition roadmap has recently been shared with the project’s steering committee for review. The strategic document aims to accelerate the transition to potential zero-carbon fuels in the Nordics by identifying key barriers to their uptake, and concrete actions that can be taken to overcome them. The supporting partners in the Nordic collaboration platform will be invited to give their input to the Nordic fuel transition roadmap early next year.

Two green shipping corridor pilot studies in the Nordics have been initiated, focusing on methanol and ammonia. There is ongoing work to establish a third pilot study focusing on hydrogen – suggestions are welcome. The Nordic roadmap partners will be invited to participate in the pilot studies early next year. The pilot studies should give input to the Nordic fuel transition roadmap and result in learning points which can be transferred into other potential green shipping corridors and lead to accelerate uptake of zero-carbon fuels.

Since the summer update, the Nordic roadmap project has delivered two technical memos targeting safety regulations for future fuels:

  • Base document for draft interim guidelines for ship using ammonia as fuel
  • Review of draft interim guidelines for ship using hydrogen as fuel

This adds to the eight technical project deliverables available on our website and the Nordic fuel transition roadmap.

The project has also expanded the Nordic Collaboration platform with new supporting partners, who can contribute to the roadmap and the pilot studies. An overview of our more than 50 partners across the Nordic maritime value chain can be found on our website. The project has been promoted at relevant events across the Nordic region, including:

  • Panel discussion in Arendal, 17 August 2023
  • Conference on green maritime corridors in Turku, 31 August 2023
  • Conference on the green transition of cargo transport in Århus, 14 September 2023
  • The Nordic Hydrogen Valley Conference in Reykjavik, 4 October 2023
  • Conference on zero emission ferries in Bergen, 19 October 2023
Previous Nordic roadmap eventsUpcoming Nordic roadmap events
Kick-off in Oslo, 15 Nov 2022Webinar, 29 Feb 2024
Workshop in Helsinki, 3 May 2023Workshop in Gothenburg, 11 Apr 2024
Workshop in Reykjavik, 3 Oct 2023Conference in Denmark, autumn 2024
Webinar, 8 Nov 2023Webinar, autumn 2024

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