Welcome and introduction to the Nordic Roadmap
Nordic Roadmap – Overview and co-operation platform by Eirill Bachmann Mehammer (DNV)
The Finnish perspective
The Finnish perspective by Eero Hokkanen (Ministry of Transport and Communications)
Finnish Forest Industries (FFI) by Alina Koskela, Manager, Logistics Affairs
Finnlines by Johanna Luoma, Environment and Sustainability Specialist
Green Shipping Corridors
Piloting of Nordic Green Shipping Corridors by Nathaniel Frithiof (DNV)
Business cases for Green Shipping Corridors by Magnus Gustafsson (PBI Research)
The Nordic Fuel Transition Roadmap
The Nordic Roadmap – an introduction by Dorthe Slotvik (DNV)
Roadmap Workshop facilitated by Erik Jakobsen (Menon)